Tag Archives: kids

Between Bombs


Only a few months before the war in Syria started, I was cycling from Croatia towards this beautiful country. Mostly sleeping in my tent in nature, avoiding crowded cities and riding trough rural landscapes. People I have met on the road have definitely shaped the course of my life. From the familiar Croatian plains trough Serbian Đerdap canyon and cliffs; from sweet baba Rajka in Bulgarian villages to 100 year old lady on her death bed in Turkey; from scary wild dogs to peaceful desert camels and bedouins… There were countless memorable encounters during the whole trip. After two months of cycling I have finally reached the vast deserts of Syria.

Siniša Glogoški


Wheels for All – Witney

Following on from the Wheels for All day in Cutteslowe Park, Oxford, Cycling Projects brought their bikes to Queens Dyke School in Witney for a taster session run together with volunteers from Witney Mountain Bike Club and Witney’s Bicycle User Group.

For those that couldn’t make it Steve and Luke produced this short video of the bikes being used on the day.

Along with Wheels for All in Oxford, and the Oxfordshire Sports Partnership, the next steps are to find a more suitable venue and plan regular sessions beginning in Spring 2012.

And They’re Off!


Bike Week 2010 got off to a popular start on Church Green this morning with a ride to Aston Pottery. Members of Witney Mountain Bike Club, CTC Witney, WitneyBUG, Velo Specialist Cycles and others gathered at the start to hear the Deputy Mayor officially open Bike Week in Witney.

Describing himself as an occasional cyclist, Councillor Harry Eaglestone wished 30+ cyclists “an enjoyable week of events promoting everyday cycling for everyone”.

Today also marks the official release of the Witney Cycle Map, unfurled here for the first time by the Deputy Mayor and the well drilled Mountain Bike Club.

A joint collaboration between WitneyBUG and West Oxon District Council, the map is one in a series of projects to provide bicycle users with the information and the infrastructure they need.

Witney’s Bike Week Events continue throughout the week including an exhibition in Witney Library.
