Tag Archives: eynsham

In the Margins of Error


When you’re riding in the margins of error, is a maverick homicide detective your only hope when it all goes wrong?

Wednesday March 30th 2016…

“So what we got Sergeant?”

“Open and shut case Lieutenant. Our guy was riding along the bike path, heading into town, hit a patch of mud and BAM! Wipe out!”

Pats pockets, “You got a match Sergeant?”

“Sorry sir, crime scene boys don’t allow it anymore.”

“Is that a fact?” Hand to forehead, scans scene, “Have they found that missing pedal yet?”

“Turns out our guy’s an amputee sir; one foot, one pedal.”

“You’re kidding me!” Turns to gurney and lifts sheet. “Well I’ll be… What else do we know about him?”

“Local oddball sir, rides everywhere, up until today we estimate he’s made this journey into Oxford about a thousand times.”

“Do we have a time of death yet Sergeant?” Lights cigar and checks glow, “And were there any other players involved?”

“11.55am this morning sir. We got a couple of witnesses who say he was alone; one second he was on the bike, moving slow, the next he was on the ground.”

“You know, I just don’t get it. It’s a sunny day, our guy’s done this a thousand times before, no one else around, and he’s got all this path to use but he’s riding in the mud right by the edge. Not only that, but it looks like he was turning in a way to pretty much guarantee he came down on the side he couldn’t put a foot down on.”

Gesticulates, “I mean what happened here? Did he have a heart attack or something?” Heads for car, “I’ll be downtown. Let me know what the autopsy says.”

Raises hand, turns and shouts over traffic noise, “And one other thing Sergeant, how the hell are you meant to cross the road around here?”

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